1. Apple Cider Vinegar
You Will Need
- 1 glass of water
- 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
- Honey (optional)
What You Have To Do
- Warm the glass of water.
- Add the apple cider vinegar to it and sip throughout the day.
- You can also add honey for flavor.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this once or twice a day.How This Works
Apple cider vinegar is known to have antifungal properties. Drinking it daily will help in combating the fungal infection caused by oral thrush (4).2. Oil Pulling Using Coconut Oil
You Will Need
1 tablespoon coconut oilWhat You Have To Do
- Swish coconut oil in your mouth every morning on an empty stomach.
- Continue doing it for 10 to 15 minutes and then spit it out.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this once every morning.How This Works
Oil pulling with coconut oil can help in treating oral thrush. This is because the antifungal properties of coconut oil can help in the elimination of the yeast fungus from the mouth. And its antioxidant properties help expel any toxins present in your body (5).3. Yogurt
You Will Need
1 teaspoon yogurtWhat You Have To Do
- Place a teaspoon of yogurt in your mouth.
- Leave it inside for 5 minutes and then swallow.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this at least 3 times a day.How This Works
Yogurt boosts the production of probiotics in your body. This encourages the production of healthy bacteria in the mouth and helps in oral thrush treatment (6).4. Baking Soda
You Will Need
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 glass of water
What You Have To Do
- Add the baking soda to water. Mix well.
- Rinse your mouth with this solution.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this at least 2 to 3 times a day until you see positive results.How This Works
Baking soda is also known as sodium bicarbonate. It kills the yeast fungus that causes oral thrush (7).5. Essential Oils
a. Tea Tree Oil
You Will Need
- 2 teaspoons tea tree oil
- 2 teaspoons water
What You Have To Do
- Mix equal proportions of tea tree oil and water.
- Swish this solution inside your mouth for 30 to 60 seconds and spit it out.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this multiple times a day for optimum results.How This Works
Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic and has anti-inflammatory properties. It combats the fungus that causes oral thrush and prevents its recurrence (8), (9).b. Oregano Oil
You Will Need
- 3 to 6 drops of oregano oil
- 1 glass of water
What You Have To Do
Mix a few drops of oregano oil in a glass of water and drink this solution.How Often You Should Do This
You must follow this remedy twice daily for best results.How This Works
Oregano oil is used to treat a variety of ailments. It is known for its antifungal and antimicrobial properties, which can help treat oral thrush (10), (11).c. Peppermint Oil
You Will Need
- 2 to 3 drops of peppermint oil
- 1 glass of water
What You Have To Do
- Mix 2 to 3 drops of peppermint oil in a glass of water.
- Use this as a mouthwash.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this 2 to 3 times a day.How This Works
Peppermint oil is a natural remedy for many ailments, thanks to its antimicrobial, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. Hence, it can be used to treat the candida fungus that causes oral thrush (12), (13).6. Garlic
You Will Need
1 clove of raw garlicWhat You Have To Do
Take a clove of raw garlic and chew on it.How Often You Should Do This
Do this 1 to 2 times a day.How This Works
Garlic contains a compound called allicin. Allicin is known for its powerful antifungal, antiviral, and antibiotic properties that can help treat oral thrush and its symptoms (14), (15), (16).7. Salt Water Rinse
You Will Need
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 cup of water
What You Have To Do
- Mix the salt in warm water.
- Use this solution to rinse your mouth.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this thrice daily.How This Works
The antifungal and antibacterial nature of salt disturbs the environment in your mouth. This helps in getting rid of the fungus that causes oral thrush (17).8. Cranberry Juice
You Will Need
1 cup of unsweetened cranberry juiceWhat You Have To Do
Drink a cup of unsweetened cranberry juice daily.How Often You Should Do This
You must drink this juice once or twice daily.How This Works
Cranberry juice is rich in nutrients and is acidic. It creates an acidic environment in your mouth and makes the survival of fungi almost impossible. Also, the proanthocyanidins in cranberries exhibit anti-adherence properties that inhibit the adherence of C. albicans inside your mouth. Thus, cranberries are a great option for treating oral thrush (18), (19), (20).9. Lemon Juice
You Will Need
- 1/2 lemon
- 1 glass of water
- Honey (optional)
What You Have To Do
- Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a glass of water.
- Add honey for flavor and consume immediately.
How Often You Should Do This
Drink this once daily.How This Works
Lemon is replete with antifungal properties. It is also acidic and can thus help in eliminating the fungus that causes oral thrush (21), (22).10. Vitamin C
You Will Need
1000 mg vitamin C capsulesWhat You Have To Do
Consume the vitamin C capsule.How Often You Should Do This
Do this twice daily until you see positive results.How This Works
Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant and is also acidic. It boosts the production of stomach acids and enhances your immunity. This inhibits the growth of C. albicans inside your mouth (23), (24).Tips
Oral thrush can also be a result of a deficiency in vitamins B3 and D or iron. In such cases, the respective vitamins and minerals must be taken to address oral thrush.11. Grape Seed Extract
You Will Need
250 mg grape seed extract supplementWhat You Have To Do
Consume grape seed extract supplement.How Often You Should Do This
You must do this thrice daily until you observe positive results.How This Works
Grape seed extract can treat a variety of ailments. However, it is more effective against Candida due to its antifungal properties. It will also boost your immune system and prevent chances of reinfection by the fungus. Thus, grape seed extract can help you recover faster from oral thrush (25), (26).12. Pineapple Juice
You Will Need
1/4 pineappleWhat You Have To Do
- Cut the pineapple into small pieces.
- Chew on these pieces every once in a while.
How Often You Should Do This
You must do this 2 to 3 times a day.How This Works
The bromelain in the pineapple helps in breaking down any debris that is formed in your mouth. It can also aid the breakdown of the fungus on your tongue. The acidic nature of pineapples will also make the survival of fungus difficult (27), (28).13. Orange Juice
You Will Need
- 1 orange
- 1 glass of water
What You Have To Do
- Peel one orange and blend it with a glass of water in a mixer.
- Sip on this juice.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this once daily.How This Works
Oranges are citrus fruits like lemons. They are rich in vitamin C, also referred to as ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is acidic and helps to keep the Candida fungus in check (29), (30).14. Aloe Vera Juice
You Will Need
- Aloe vera gel OR
- 1/4 glass of aloe vera juice
What You Have To Do
- Take some gel from the aloe vera plant and apply it to the tongue and inner cheeks.
- Alternatively, you can also drink aloe vera juice.
How Often You Should Do This
Do this once daily.How This Works
Aloe vera offers many health and beauty benefits. Its antifungal properties can help treat oral thrush and prevent its recurrence (31), (32), (33), (34).15. Mouthwash
You Will Need
An antifungal mouthwash containing fluconazole or nystatinWhat You Have To Do
Rinse your mouth with any antifungal mouthwash after every meal.How Often You Should Do This
Follow this regimen at least thrice daily.How This Works
The mouthwashes that treat oral thrush generally contain antifungal chemicals. Hence, they show quick and effective action against the fungal infection (35), (36).In addition to these remedies, you can also follow a few tips to prevent oral thrush, increase the efficacy of your treatment, and accelerate your recovery.
Preventive Tips For Oral Thrush
- Brush your teeth at least twice daily and floss regularly.
- In case you are using a corticosteroid inhaler, rinse your mouth after every use.
- If you are on antibiotics, try and include yogurt in your diet.
- If you are affected by vaginal yeast infection, treat it immediately.
- Disinfect your dentures, especially after an infection.
- Rinse your mouth with warm salt water.
- Avoid intake of sugar and sweets. Also, stay away from pork meat, fish like tuna and swordfish, some dairy products, processed vegetable oils, alcohol, and caffeinated drinks.
- Follow a diet rich in vegetables, proteins, and fermented foods like yogurt and kimchi.
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