1. Keep Your Room Cool
The temperature of your body tends to change as you fall asleep. Your core temperature might see a decrease while the temperature of your feet and hands increases.Therefore, if your room is warm, it is a good idea to set your air conditioner to a cooler temperature. Taking a warm bath can also cause your body to become cooler later on, hence promoting better sleep .
2. Set A Sleep Schedule
The circadian rhythm is the regulatory system of your body. It acts like an internal clock that cues your body to stay awake during the day and sleep at night. If you start waking up and going to bed at the same time daily, it will help your body adjust to the schedule. This will make it easier for you to fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day.3. Expose Yourself To Sunlight And Darkness
And Get A Customized Skin Care Regime.The regulatory system or circadian rhythm of your body can be influenced by exposure to light, which may affect your sleep cycle. Irregular exposure to light during the day can make it harder for you to stay awake and also make it difficult to fall asleep .On the other hand, darkness (at night) promotes sleep as it boosts the secretion of one of the sleep hormones called melatonin .
4. Avoid Looking At Your Clock
Do you tend to take a sneak peek at your clock now and then in between sleep? That could be one of the reasons you aren’t able to sleep. The habit of “clock-watching” is common in those battling insomnia. It can also trigger anxiety issues related to sleeplessness.5. Meditate And Practice Yoga
Meditating and practicing yoga can help alleviate symptoms of stress and enable you to sleep better. Yoga helps you relax and reduces the tension accumulated in your body, thereby helping you get a sound sleep.Meditation helps in enhancing melatonin (sleep hormone) levels, thereby assisting your brain in achieving a state in which sleep can be easily attained.
6. Limit Daytime Naps
Daytime naps that last for 2 hours or more can affect your night’s sleep. They may also lead to sleep deprivation. Hence, you should opt for a quick nap that lasts no more than 30 minutes.7. Try Out Aromatherapy
8. Limit Your Caffeine Intake
Caffeine-containing beverages are consumed widely worldwide. They are often used to stimulate alertness and fight fatigue, especially when you are sleep-deprived. However, regular intake of caffeine can prove to be disastrous for your sleep pattern.Instead, opt for a soothing herbal drink like chamomile tea for a good night’s sleep.
9. Change Your Sleeping Position
Traditionally, it was believed that sleeping on the back gives you a better quality of sleep, but research suggests otherwise. Sleeping on your back can cause your airways to become blocked, sleep apnea, and also episodes of snoring, which may lead to poor quality of sleep.Sleeping on the side is associated with improved and high-quality sleep .
10. Take Sleep-Enhancing Supplements
You can also take supplements to help enhance your sleep quality. Supplements containing magnesium, melatonin, and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) are available to help restore your sleep pattern . However, it is highly recommended that you consult your doctor before taking any of these supplements.11. Try And Stay Awake
Just like forcing yourself to sleep might have the opposite effect and results in sleeplessness, putting all your focus in staying awake may actually help you sleep faster. This technique is known as paradoxical intention, and all it requires is for you to stay awake rather than trying to sleep.12. Exercise More
Exercising can boost the secretion of serotonin and also decrease the level of the stress hormone, cortisol. However, exercising works best to promote sleep when done in moderation and during daytime.13. Keep A Check On Your Nighttime Diet
14. Listen To Soothing Music
Music can always set the mood right, and this is no exception when it comes to your sleep pattern. Listening to relaxing music before bedtime not only improves your quality of sleep but also helps battle sleep disorders like insomnia.15. Read Before Bedtime
While we are not so sure about adults, kids can definitely benefit from reading before bedtime as it was observed to help with a sound sleep. Also, this tip is in favor of those who read from a book rather than on an electronic gadget.16. Turn Off All Electronic Gadgets
All these tips can help you sleep faster in the long run. However, if these tips don’t seem to help much on their own, try and complement them with the methods discussed below.
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