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Want That V Shape or Hour Glass?

With pandemic of life style related diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, stress etc, we are witnessing mushrooming of so called "fitness centre" "wellness clinics" "guaranteed weight loss" in every town all over the country, it has taken form of an industry. But before you embark on your journey to get that perfect V or hour glass figure, please read the following tips. These simple tips will not only make your fitness program a joy and you will achieve desired results without doing any long term harm to your body.
  • The most common mistake people do is, trying to achieve too much too fast, come on guys, Rome was not built in day, Arnold did not become Mr. World in a day, Usain Bolt did not make the world record in a day, years of hard work, unrelenting will and perseverance goes to achieve these performances.  

  • Set realistic goals, give yourself time, take things step by step, do not punish your body and mind, it is the steady and gradual effort that will bring you results, not a short burst of activity.
  • If you are grossly overweight, please get your lipid profile and ECG done before joining any fitness program. 
  • Please see a doctor with the reports, only after doctor's advise start the exercise.
  • If you are diabetic, never ever do exercise on empty stomach, have a light meal or snack before starting your work out, also keep some sugar or a candy with you, in case you get any sign of hypoglycaemia, immediately eat sugar or candy and take rest.
  • Always warm up properly before you start doing weights, or else you would end up injuring your muscles and joints.
  • If you enjoy jogging, try not to jog on road, where ever possible jog on soft soil. Make sure you wear shoes with sole that give good shock absorption, all this to prevent injuries to your knee and hip joints.

  • Drink water before, during and after exercise, dehydration is the most common reason for people getting muscle cramps, muscle fatigue  or even black out during work outs.
  • Never ever take the "fat burning" "mass building" supplements with out doctor's advice, many of these have drugs that may damage your health permanently. These can even bring behavioural changes, commonly called steroid rage.
  • After work out cool down, drink water, take rest for at least 15 minutes. Then eat something rich in protein ( a protein shake or protein bar) and some carbohydrate ( having a chapati/ roti is the best option)

  • If you enjoy doing yoga, then too the same principle applies here, start slowly, have your goal in mind, but do not try to achieve it too quickly, great yoga teachers like BKS Iyengar or Baba Ramdev, put in years of practise before they perfected the Asanas.
  •  Over enthusiasm while doing yoga can damage or even tear your muscle and ligaments, so go slow, you will achieve your goal, but know your limitation, gradually overcome these limitation.
  • After a yoga session do "shavasan" for at least seven minutes.
  • Avoid eating a heavy meal before any kind of work out, but having a light meal and water is very good.
  • Follow these tips, enjoy a safe and joyful trip towards fitness.

Source Click here


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