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11 Home Remedies For Chikungunya & Joint Pain
Chikungunya is a joint pain disease caused by mosquitoes bite. It is
viral infection which damages joint ligaments. The most significant sign
of chikungunya is high fever and body pain. In next stages the body
pain converts into joint pain. Cleanliness is the ultimate home remedy
to avoid chikungunya. Rest if you got infected with mosquito bite then
these remedies will alleviate joint pain and symptoms fast.
In remote areas chikungunya outbreak is seen regularly. Hence you
must identify some symptoms before getting panic. Some common
chikungunya symptoms are high fever, headache, body ache, and joint pain. Some other minor chikungunya includes nausea, skin rash, and fatigue.
Fortunately there are possible natural home remedies for chikungunya.
These remedies will focus on reducing body temperature and alleviating
joint pains. But its well said that “Prevention is better than cure”,
hence keep your surround clean. By surrounding it does not mean your
room only, but also nearby the house. Treatment of chikungunya at home
is possible to reduce its symptoms.
There is no vaccine to prevent or medicine to treat chikungunya virus.[Source]
Hence natural home remedies and treatments are worth a shot as it
helped many people. These home treatments can reduce signs and symptoms
significantly. And also checkout the natural mosquito repellents infographics after remedies. 11 Home Remedies For Chikungunya & Joint Pain
1. Epsom Salt Chikungunya Home Treatment
Epsom is not salt but salt like natural occurring element formed due
to accumulation of magnesium and sulfate. An epsom salt bath is known to
ease joint pain and relieve inflammation. From centuries it is used to
cure cuts and muscle soreness.
It regulates electrolytes in your body and reduces pain and body
temperature. Taking epsom bath will also nourish your skin. It will
improve skin texture and reduces anti-aging signs. You need: Epsom salt, Neem extracts Directions:
Fill your bathtub with warm water.
Add 3 spoons of neem extracts and mix 100 grams of epsom.
Mix them well to dissolve epsom and neem extract.
Now sit in this bathtub for 15-20 minutes and then take fresh shower.
This chikungunya home treatment will ease the pain and reduces body temperature.
2. Turmeric For Chikungunya Treatment
Turmeric has strong anti-oxidant properties which shows potent effect
on inflammation. It reduces muscle tissue contraction and soothes the
ligament. The other benefits of turmeric is it improves immune. Where
this condition is due to viral infection you need to have strong immune.
Turmeric will enhance the immune system by boosting activity of white
blood cell. White blood cells are the player who will fight the
chikungunya virus. Curcumin is the ingredient which gives yellow texture
and anti-viral and antimicrobial abilities to turmeric. You need: Turmeric Powder, Roasted Root powder, skimmed milk. Directions:
Take 1 glass of skimmed milk and add 2 spoon of roasted turmeric powder.
Mix them well and drink this daily before going to bed. Let the turmeric do its magic overnight.
Alternatively, Take 2 spoon of turmeric powder and mix 2 tea-spoon of skimmed milk.
Apply this paste over affected area to get fast pain relief.
3. Sacred Basil or Tulsi Remedy
Tulsi or holy basil is considered strong antibiotic and antiseptic.
In Ayurveda, tulsi leaves are given to people having high fever. It
reduces the fever and gives mental relaxation. Tulsi is excellent home
remedy for chikungunya. It will improve immune system to battle the
Better immune reduces ailment effects and prevent health condition
from getting worse. It helps you mitigate effects of chikungunya. It
suppresses the virus growth from spreading more. You need: Leaves of Holy Basil, Milk Directions:
Throw 20 leaves of tulsi in mortar and make a paste using pestle.
Now mix this sacred basil paste into 1 glass of milk.
Drink this milk twice a day to give your immune a good boost.
4. Chili Peppers
Capsaicin rich chili peppers are well-known in Ayurveda for boosting
immune. Intake of chili peppers kicks in high blood circulation.
Improved circulation results into better enzymes flow and increased
white blood cell activity.
Chili peppers is also a potent anti-inflammatory agent which
alleviate joint pain. It promote release of free radicals from body. All
these health benefits of chili peppers make it a potent natural remedy
for chikungunya pain.
You need: Cayenne pepper, olive oil, grated bees-wax Directions:
Take handful of grated beeswax and add 3-5 spoons of water.
On mild fire heat it until this melt down.
Now mix 3 tablespoon of cayenne pepper and 2 teaspoon of olive oil.
Keep heating them stir this well so all three ingredient get mixed.
Now apply this paste over affected area.
Keep this for 10-15 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water.
Repeat this home remedy for chikungunya twice a day for fast relief.
5. Papaya Leaves For Chikungunya Home Remedy
These mosquito bites infect your platelets. In case of low platelets
there is high chance of multiple health problems occurring
simultaneously. Papaya is very effective in treating chikungunya at
Papaya extract is being used to clean the body toxins. As they
destroy the saliva of mosquitoes, it also tend to effect free radicals.
Papaya leaves extracts can be used to inhibit the growth of virus
causing chikungunya. You need: Fresh papaya leaves, water Directions:
Cut out the stem and central vein of papaya leaves.
Now take a bowl of warm water and clean the leaves.
Make small pieces of papaya leaves and put them in grinder.
Add 2 cup of water and grind for 2-3 minutes.
With the help of strainer, squeeze out all juice and throw the pulp.
Take 1-2 spoon of this extract after every 3-4 hours.
Continue this natural remedy for few days until symptoms fade away.
6. Cold Compress for Chikungunya Joint Pain
In the initial stages of chikungunya your immune might be weak and
could not cure joint pains. The blood circulation of your body also
carry the virus in first stage. Hence the virus keep affecting your
joints. The easy way out of this painful joint is reduce the blood
Cold compress is excellent home remedy for chikungunya joint pain.
Cold compress reduce the blood circulation and alleviate pain. It also
make sure to reduce inflammation and soreness. Problem in joints can
become worse if left untreated hence use cold compress to avoid further
joint damage. You need: Water bag or hand towel, freezing water or ice-cubes Directions:
Take a water bag and fill this with cold water.
Alternatively, wrap hand towel around 10 ice-cubes.
Now place this water bag of hand towel over painful joints.
Keep this for 10 minutes and repeat back 2-3 times.
Apply this home treatment to relieve pain faster.
7. Garlic To Treat Chikungunya
In Ayurveda garlic is used to provide relief from joint pain. It
works amazing on mosquito virus also. Garlic is best remedy for fast
recovery from chikungunya. As the joint pains will become worse by the
time you keep your self away from treatment.
Just consuming garlic daily can significantly affect your immune in a
good way. You can go with garlic paste to reduce pain and inflammation.
It also soothes the joint circuits and relaxes ligaments. You need: Garlic cloves, rose-water, clove oil Directions:
Make a paste by using 10 garlic cloves.
Add 5 drops of rose-water and 5 drops of clove oil.
Mix them well and apply this over affected area.
Massage the area gently so that your skin can absorb the enzymes.
Repeat this remedy for several days until you recover completely.
8. Grapes For Chikungunya Home Treatment
Grapes fall under the category of anti-oxidant rich foods. Seedless
dry grapes cure chikungunya rash. They are highly beneficial in treating
normal rashes too. Eating handful of grapes multiple times a day can
improve anti-oxidant agents activity in body.
They tend to trigger the natural cleaning process of blood cells,
which removes unwanted germs from the system. Instant relief from rashes
and pain can be seen with grapes remedy. As any food will take around
30 minutes to kick in its benefits, but grapes tend to start showing
results in 15 minutes or so. You need: Seedless dry grapes, water, lemon Directions:
Take a handful of seedless dry grapes and eat them thrice a day.
Alternatively, you can make a soothing juice.
To make juice take a blender and add 2 handful of seedless dry grapes.
Also add 1 spoon of lemon juice and 1 cup of water.
Blend this for 3-5 minutes and store the juice in cooler.
Drink this juice twice a day whenever, you get joint pain after chikungunya attack.
9. Coconut Water To Reduce Chikungunya Symptoms
Coconut water is delicious and at same time it have lots of health
benefits. It can be considered as easiest home remedy for multiple signs
of chikungunya.
Drinking coconut water can help your liver and inhibit virus growth.
It support better blood circulation and trigger active white blood cells
movement. White blood cells are your warriors who will fight back
virus. It also prevent dehydration and maintain safe water level in
body. You should start drinking coconut water when ever you get infected
with any kind of viral outbreak. You need: Fresh coconut water, lemon Directions:
Honestly you need no direction to drink coconut water.
But you can always have a little more to do.
Take a glass of coconut water and add 2 spoon of fresh lemon juice.
Mix them well and drink them twice a day.
Use this remedy for any kind of viral outbreak
10. Lemon Juice To Kill Chikungunya Virus
Lemons are known anti-viral and antibacterial. It has high vitamin C
level and researches show that vitamin C is good for immune. It not just
improve immune but also reduce inflammation.
Lemon also flushes out toxins from cell packets. These healthy cells
can improve your overall mood. It will help with common symptoms such as
rise in body temperature, joint swelling, and rash. You need: Fresh lemon juice, honey, black salt Directions:
Take 1 glass of lukewarm water and add 2 pinch of black salt and 2 tea-spoon of honey.
Add juice extracted from 2 big lemons.
Mix them well and drink this twice a day.
Consider it as best chikungunya treatment food.
11. Keep Yourself Hydrated
Being hydrated while chikungunya virus attack is very important. This
virus tends to stick inside your muscle cells. Hence drinking plenty of
water and sipping on herbal drinks will help in recovery. In-fact
liquid consumption will speed up the recovery process.
You can also take lemon juice or ginger tea or garlic soup to stay
hydrated. Apart from providing required amount of liquid, ginger and
garlic will also help in recovery. Both the herbs have multiple health
benefits such as, they are antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, and
Natural Chikungunya Mosquitoes Repellents
In the United States, the EPA has not evaluated for effectiveness
most of the commonly known natural insect repellents. Examples of
ingredients used in unregistered mosquito repellents include: Natural Chikungunya Mosquitoes Repellents
Citronella oil
Cedar oil
Geranium oil
Peppermint and peppermint oil
Pure oil of lemon eucalyptus
Soybean oil.
According to “Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention” – It
recommends that you use an insect(mosquito) repellent containing an
active ingredient shown to be both safe and effective.
How To Prevent Chikungunya & Some Tips
Clean your surrounds regularly to avoid mosquitoes.
Drink plenty of liquids and herbal tea.
Avoid socializing while you are infected.
Take lots of rest and sleep for at least 8 hours in a day.
Never leave chikungunya untreated.
Consult your Doctor if you are suffering from very high fever.
Do not take aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
If you are on some medicine consult your doctor.
Once a person has been infected, He or She is likely to be protected from future infections.
Our body have many areas where our skin folds. These locations are moist and wet which can cause yeast infection. Intertrigo is a skin rash which affects the folds of our skin. Women can suffer from intertrigo under breast which causes itching, redness and burning sensation. No age group or gender is isolated from this condition. Infants and toddlers skin is delicate and vulnerable towards infection. Fortunately there are effective home remedies for intertrigo to help you get rid of its symptoms. What makes these red skin folds rash to appear? There are various factors which can lead to this condition. Some common causes of intertrigo are moisture from sweat, rubbing of skin under folds, accumulation of under arms powder or cosmetics and candida infection. Candidal intertrigo is caused by a yeast infection. This happens typically due to candida germs. Generally they appear under the breast area, around the vaginal opening and in men private parts. Some common sympt...
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1. Apple Cider Vinegar You Will Need 1 glass of water 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar Honey (optional) What You Have To Do Warm the glass of water. Add the apple cider vinegar to it and sip throughout the day. You can also add honey for flavor. How Often You Should Do This Do this once or twice a day. How This Works Apple cider vinegar is known to have antifungal properties. Drinking it daily will help in combating the fungal infection caused by oral thrush ( 4 ). 2. Oil Pulling Using Coconut Oil You Will Need 1 tablespoon coconut oil What You Have To Do Swish coconut oil in your mouth every morning on an empty stomach. Continue doing it for 10 to 15 minutes and then spit it out. How Often You Should Do This Do this once every morning. How This Works Oil pulling with coconut oil can help in treating oral thrush. This is because the antifungal properties of coconut oil can help in the elimination of the yeast fung...
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