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14 Proven Home Remedies To Cure Bronchitis Naturally
Inflamed bronchial tubes which are commonly called as lungs airways
tube, causes bronchitis. This tube is present between your nose and
lungs which works as air supply mechanism for breathing. There is
misconception that acute bronchitis is self-healing, but it’s not true.
Bronchial tubes swelling is caused due to infection. This can be
bacterial infection or can be viral infection. You may like to treat
acute bronchitis at home with effective home remedies without any
over-the-counter medicines.
You must get rid of viruses which causes common cold. Treating common cold
is important as cold turns into bronchitis. Cold virus can spread to
your bronchial tubes and lungs. In case, if infection reaches to lungs
then bronchitis can be fatal.
Symptoms of bronchitis
Due to the viral or bacterial infection bronchitis causes
inflammation of your airways tube. There is excess mucus secretion which
makes it more tough for you to breathe naturally. The common symptom is
bronchitis cough. You may have repeated coughing and it remain
persistent. Hence making your lungs pain, due to frequent coughing.
Other symptoms are listed below.
Chest pain
feeling of tightness in chest
Release of thick mucus
Shortness of breath
Heavy breathing
Mild fever
Chest muscle pain or spasm
Chest congestion
Nasal congestion
Body chills
is bronchitis contagious
It depends upon what type of bronchitis you have. There are type
variations in this serious respiratory disease. To know their contagious
nature you must understand the difference between acute and chronic bronchitis.
If you are suffering from chronic bronchitis, then
it is not contagious. Because this respiratory disease is happening due
hereditary. Hereditary diseases are not contagious but problem persist
and is passed on too upcoming generations. Acute bronchitis is caused due to infection of flu
virus then it is highly contagious. Infection can spread to other people
in same way common cold spreads. Hence keeping a distance from your
loved ones is very important. Effective Home Remedies For Bronchitis
Home remedies for bronchitis
There are natural ways to get rid of bronchitis which can help you treat symptoms and prevent it from spreading to your lungs.
1. Tea Tree Oil
The anti-viral abilities of tea tree oil makes it an excellent home
remedy to cure bronchitis fast. Due to its anti-inflammatory healing
property, tea tree oil reduces inflammation of throat and airways,
giving more space to release mucus(1).
It also flushes out toxins from your body and inhibit acute
bronchitis contagious nature. This prevent it from spreading to more
Add 5 to 7 drops of virgin tea tree oil into one glass of lukewarm water.
Stir well and drink this to tackle symptoms.
Note: Pregnant women should not take this home cure.
Warm water will speed up the healing process by reducing swelling of lungs and inhaling tube.
2. Garlic
Treating bronchitis at home becomes very easy if you use garlic. The
antiretroviral medicinal property of garlic prevent virus from spreading
and is very beneficial for both chronic and acute bronchitis treatment(2).
The anti-inflammatory abilities can be beneficial in reducing
inflammation of tubes and provide fast pain relief. It treats symptoms
like chest congestion, common cold, viral flu, stomach flu, etc. You can learn how to make garlic soup which can help you with symptoms like throat pain and coughing.
Take 1 garlic clove and crush it to make paste.
Add this garlic paste into one cup of water and boil.
Put mint leaves and steep it for 5 minutes.
Drink this tea before going to bed every night until you condition improves.
You can also add 2 chopped garlic cloves in one glass of warm milk.
Drink this milk before sleeping.
Repeat this home treatment daily to get rid of bronchitis.
3. Turmeric
The healing properties of turmeric can help you with bronchitis cough
and swelling. To reduce all symptoms it is important to handle swelling
of bronchial tubes and secretion of mucus. The antibiotic and
anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric is excellent home remedy for
Ayurvedic medicines which are associated with respiratory infection
have turmeric. The health benefits of turmeric is huge and you must
consider this among best foods food acute or chronic bronchitis.
Take one glass of warm pasteurized cow milk.
Cow milk are easily digestible and get absorbed fast in your system.
Add 1 tablespoon of roasted turmeric powder.
Stir well and drink this before going to bed and let it treat bronchitis overnight.
Alternatively, you can increase turmeric amount in your food preparation.
Eating turmeric will improve your immune system which will help you fight back virus infection.
4. Ginger
Ginger is known for its immune boosting and anti-inflammatory
properties which can help you cure bronchitis at home. According to a
study(4), ginger is highly effective in reducing inflammation and have anti-oxidative property.
Ginger is often used for treating constipation,
inhibit cold virus, vomiting and other ailments. Consumption of ginger
tea will clear airways and reduces swelling of bronchial tubes.
You need 2 ginger roots, honey and one cup of boiling water.
Peel ginger roots and put it in boiling water.
Let it steep for 5 minutes then strain it over one cup.
Add 2 teaspoons of honey and stir well.
Drink this ginger tea two times a day until coughing stops.
5. Honey
Natural antibiotic are very effective in treating virus infection
such as cold and cough. Due to its potent antibacterial properties
honey can be effective home remedy for bronchitis treatment(5).
Self healing bronchitis is practically not possible. Some people have
strong immune system which fights bacteria and virus vigorously. Hence
you must boost your immune and honey comes with added immune boosting
Add 1 tablespoon of honey into one glass of warm water.
Drink this twice a day for fast recovery.
Alternatively, make honey and lemon tea to treat bronchitis naturally at home.
Take 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.
Mix them in half cup of warm water.
Dink this herbal tea twice a day until you condition improves.
6. Steam
Steam help you to get rid of chest and nasal congestion by loosening
thick mucus. This improves bronchial tubes condition and promotes fast
healing. Such healing ability of steam bring it among best bronchitis
Hot steams will also help you feel relaxed by soothing painful lungs due to repeated coughing.
Fill a bowl with hot steaming water.
Place your head above this bowl.
Cover your head with towel or some thick cloth.
Inhale and exhale to loosen mucus.
Repeat this two times a day.
7. Salt Water Gargle
Salt is anti-inflammatory and natural disinfectant, which is helpful
in curing acute and chronic bronchitis at home. Gargling twice with salt
water will break mucus and sooth coughing.
You might be suffering from throat pain due to frequent coughing. Salt water gargle will help you with throat pain and redness.
Pour 1 tablespoon of salt into one glass of warm water.
Stir well until salt dissolves completely.
Sip some water and gargle for 30 seconds.
Gargle until the warm water is finished.
Do this remedy twice a day until symptoms goes away.
8. Eucalyptus Oil
Ayurveda indicates that essential oils for bronchitis are best home
treatment. Eucalyptus oil fits perfect for curing bronchial tube
inflammation as it is potent antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent. It
breaks down mucus which makes it easy for you to cough them out.
Take 3 tablespoon of warm eucalyptus oil.
Apply it over your chest and rub in circular motion.
Keep it for 1 hour then rinse with lukewarm water.
You can also add 1 tablespoon of eucalyptus oil in one bowl of hot water.
Bring you head above this bowl and inhale steam.
Do this remedy daily to get healed quickly.
9. Onion
Onion posses expectorant properties which reduce mucus secretion. It
is natural germicidal agent which provide relief from bronchitis. You
can also add honey with onion to improve immune system.
Removal of mucus clear airway passes and gives you relief from symptoms like bronchial tube inflammation and congestion.
Put 2 onions into a blender and blend for 20 seconds.
Squeeze out the juice from this blended onions.
Drink 1 tablespoon of onion juice early morning before breakfast.
Drink another tablespoon of juice before going to bed.
Repeat this remedy daily to stop bronchitis cough.
10. Epsom Salt
Epsom salt is another popular bronchitis home treatment. It is widely
used as muscle spasm and pain reliever. Even athletes are advised to
take epsom salt bath to get rid of body pain. Epsom salt bath will help
you get rid of bronchitis chest pain which is caused due to repeated
You need 500 gm of epsom salt and bathtub filled with warm water.
Pour all epsom salt in tub and stir well.
Soak your upper body until till neck in this bathtub.
Sit inside for 15 minutes then take clean water shower.
Drink some herbal tea such as ginger tea after shower.
Do this 3 times a week for fast healing.
11. Lemon Juice
Lemon is immune boosting and natural anti-inflammatory agent. Vitamin
C rich lemons can be very beneficial for treating acute bronchitis.
Lemon breaks thick mucus and help you release phlegm. Increase lemon
intake in your daily diet to strengthen your immune.
You need fresh lemon juice and manuka honey.
Add 3 tablespoons of lemon juice in one glass of lukewarm water.
Mix 2 teaspoon of manuka honey.
Sit well and drink this daily.
You can also directly drink 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.
Do this home cure daily to get rid of bronchitis fast.
12. Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds are excellent bronchitis home treatment and natural pain
reliever. It will ease chest pain and congestion caused by both acute
and chronic bronchitis. Sesame seeds are not suitable treatment for
bronchitis while pregnant. Pregnant women should not consider this
Mix one tablespoon of sesame seeds, 2 pinch of salt and 1 teaspoon of honey.
Add 1 tablespoon of warm water and leave it for 10 minutes.
Eat this mixture daily to get rid of symptoms associated with bronchial tube inflammation.
Alternatively, you can add sesame seeds in any herbal tea while steeping.
13. Basil Leaves
Basil has immune boosting properties which provide relief from
bronchitis. it is also potent antiviral and can reduce viral infection
and associated symptoms.
Crush 5 basil leaves to make paste.
Mix this basil paste into one glass of warm milk.
Stir well and drink this before going to bed.
Drink this daily to strengthen you immune to fight infection.
14. Oil of Oregano
Oil of oregano is beneficial for fighting viral infection. Due to its
anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties, oregano oil can help you
treat bronchitis and chest pain associated with respiratory disease. It
break down mucus and promotes easy release.
Oil of oregano is also used to treat common cold and inhibit virus from infecting you again.
Take 1 tablespoon of warm oregano oil.
Spread it over you chest and rub in circular motion.
Keep this for 1 hour then rinse with lukewarm water.
For best results, apply this treatment before sleeping and leave it overnight.
Repeat this daily until you condition improves.
How long does bronchitis last
Acute bronchitis will occur after three to four days
of infection. Generally it happens after four days of cold and flu. If
you have good immune system and take alternative medicine properly then
it can get cured faster. People with acute bronchitis generally recover in 1 to 2 weeks of time.
For those people, who has bad eating habits have long recovery time. It
can take up-to 3 to 4 weeks for the to get healed completely.
Chronic bronchitis can get recovered within 2 to 3 weeks. Make sure
you take proper care and treatment for this. Cough can persist for 5
weeks but it will fade away with time.
Asthmatic bronchitis recovery time
Asthma and bronchitis both are two different respiratory
disease. People combines both of them as one, but that is not the case
here. Bronchitis is the inflammation of inner lining of bronchial tubes
which is caused by bacterial or viral infection.
Asthma is chronic disease which also inflame bronchial tube and
narrows airway passage. Both these respiratory diseases secrete mucus
and have shortness of breath as common symptoms. Hence asthma take long
time period for recovery.
Should I go to work with bronchitis
You should know how do they test for bronchitis so that you can
decide which type of bronchitis you are suffering from. If you have
chronic issues then you can go to work as they are not contagious. Acute
bronchitis is highly contagious and you must avoid going to work while
you carry those viruses.
Your coughing and sneezing can spread the infection to other
colleagues. Hence avoid any physical contact with other people or if
possible don’t go out.
Tips to prevent Acute Bronchitis
Take 8 hours of sleep and rest as much as possible.
Drink 8 to 10 glass of water daily.
Avoid drinking alcohol and related products.
Keep a distance from irritants like dust mites.
Don’t smoke as it is among the irritants.
Eat healthy dies t and avoid packed snacks such as potato chips.
Wear masks when you go out into polluted environment.
You must consult a doctor if you are having cough for more than a month, bloody cough, recurring bronchitis, and high fever.
Symptoms of bronchitis will reduce in few weeks after starting home
treatment. Natural home remedies are highly effective and long-lasting
if you take them earlier. You might have dry cough for longer period but
infection will be cured. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
Our body have many areas where our skin folds. These locations are moist and wet which can cause yeast infection. Intertrigo is a skin rash which affects the folds of our skin. Women can suffer from intertrigo under breast which causes itching, redness and burning sensation. No age group or gender is isolated from this condition. Infants and toddlers skin is delicate and vulnerable towards infection. Fortunately there are effective home remedies for intertrigo to help you get rid of its symptoms. What makes these red skin folds rash to appear? There are various factors which can lead to this condition. Some common causes of intertrigo are moisture from sweat, rubbing of skin under folds, accumulation of under arms powder or cosmetics and candida infection. Candidal intertrigo is caused by a yeast infection. This happens typically due to candida germs. Generally they appear under the breast area, around the vaginal opening and in men private parts. Some common sympt...
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1. Apple Cider Vinegar You Will Need 1 glass of water 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar Honey (optional) What You Have To Do Warm the glass of water. Add the apple cider vinegar to it and sip throughout the day. You can also add honey for flavor. How Often You Should Do This Do this once or twice a day. How This Works Apple cider vinegar is known to have antifungal properties. Drinking it daily will help in combating the fungal infection caused by oral thrush ( 4 ). 2. Oil Pulling Using Coconut Oil You Will Need 1 tablespoon coconut oil What You Have To Do Swish coconut oil in your mouth every morning on an empty stomach. Continue doing it for 10 to 15 minutes and then spit it out. How Often You Should Do This Do this once every morning. How This Works Oil pulling with coconut oil can help in treating oral thrush. This is because the antifungal properties of coconut oil can help in the elimination of the yeast fung...
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