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15 Proven Home Remedies to Get Rid of Keloids Naturally
Formation of keloid takes time and it is not an overnight health
condition. Abnormal growth of fibrous tissues under the keloid scars
makes it look ugly and bumpy. They are painless and sometimes people
have it from their birth(often considered as birth mark). Keloid removal
cost can vary from 95 dollars to 5,000 dollars. It all depends upon the
number, shape and size of scars. If you want to get rid of keloid
by piercing then it may lead to more complications. Fortunately there
are effective remedies for keloid treatment which can be prepared
There are many factors which can lead to this brown-black scars on
your chest, nose, ears, and back of your body. General skin injuries
like minor burns, pimples, bruises, cut, open wounds, acne, and
scratches can give you keloid. They are itchy, red in color and it
becomes bumpy when an excessive amount of collagen grows under it.
Some people carry keloid of their entire lifetime without having any
major health problems. All are not same, and may opt for various removal
process such as piercing, laser treatment, surgery, vigorous chemical
scrub, and injections. These conventional treatments are expensive and
if gone wrong, then can lead to serious skin problems. So try simple
remedies for keloids removal.
15 Effective Home Remedies to Treat Keloids Naturally
How to Get Rid of Keloids
1. Tea Tree Oil for Keloids
Melaleuca alternifolia is commonly known as tea tree oil. It is powerful antibacterial which can inhibit bacterial growth(1). There are times when people uses this herbal oil to cure eczema and related skin ailments.
Its antiviral and anti-inflammatory abilities are proven to reduce
inflammation of abnormal muscle tissues. Tea tree oil can be the best
home remedy which can be used for keloid removal. How to use:
You will need extra virgin tea tree oil and cotton swab.
Soak a cotton ball with this essential oil.
Apply tea tree oil on keloid and stick it with duct tape.
After 2 hours remove the cotton swab and rinse with lukewarm water.
Repeat this process until it controls inflammation and redness.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is popularly known for its effective treatment of lie bumps on tongue
and skin bumps. It is effective in reducing the size of keloid by great
extent. ACV is one the most promising home remedies ingredient due to
its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties(2). How to remove keloids with ACV:
If possible try to use unfiltered and raw apple cider vinegar.
Raw form of apple vinegar is more effective than processed one.
Rinse the affected area with lukewarm water.
Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar.
Apply it over inflamed skin and keep it for 2 hours.
Then remove it and rinse with lukewarm water.
Repeat this remedy twice a day to speed up removal process.
3. Lemon Juice
The acidic nature of lemon can help get rid of keloids. It is very effective natural exfoliator and can be used for scars removal.
Drink lemon infusion drinks detox body from free radicals and toxic
enzymes. As a result your skin get proper nourishment and absorbs vital
minerals quickly. How to use:
Squeeze out juice from 3 large lemons.
Add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
Soak this solution in one cotton ball and gently rub on affected area.
You can also add tea tree oil to speed up the healing procese.
Regular uses of lemon on scars can change the appearance of keloids.
4. Baking Soda Scrub
Abrasives are used to exfoliate skin from dead cells and remove
scars. Baking soda is a powerful abrasive agent which can help you
getting rid of keloids. People also uses baking soda to remove dry skin
and rejuvenate dead skin cells. Gentle scrub with its solution will eat
away unusual bumps. How to treat keloids with baking soda:
You will need baking soda and hydrogen peroxide (3% dilute).
Mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide in liberal amount to make paste.
Apply a thick layer of paste on scars.
Keep it for 20-30 minutes and rinse with clear water.
Depending upon the size of scar, you can repeat this remedy 2-3 times a day.
5. Raw Honey
Unusual growth of tissues under scars can be the results of bacterial
infection. Manuka honey is a medical grade honey used to reduce
inflammation and inhibit bacterial infection. Homemade applications of
honey is another excellent at-home keloids treatment. Honey is popular
for its moisturizing abilities. Studies suggest that honey is very
effective when it comes to control inflammation(3). Keloid removal with raw honey:
Wash your hands with lukewarm water.
Scoop some honey with your fingers and gently massage the affected area.
Massage for 10-15 minutes then leave honey on it.
Rinse it off with lukewarm water after 10 minutes.
Do this remedy twice for several days to clean scars effectively.
6. Aspirin
Acetylsalicylic acid, commonly known as aspirin, is a conventional
medication for fever, headaches and inflammation. People mostly take
aspirin to reduce headaches but same can be used to get rid of keloids.
Topical uses of aspirin is famous among people to reduce the size of
keloids by great extent. The results are impressive and because of that,
aspiring became famous to fight skin inflammation. How to use:
Crush 3-4 aspirin tablet and collect the powder.
Mix liberal amount of water to make a thick paste.
Apply the paste directly on affected area and massage for few minutes.
After few more minutes rinse it of with clear water.
Apply some essential oils such as coconut or olive oil to soothe irritation.
Use this remedy twice a day to get rid of bumps and scars.
7. Aloe Vera Gel
Due to its anti-inflammatory abilities aloe vera is another effective home treatment for keloids. People with the problem of hair loss uses aloe vera gel as hair strengthening lotion. However, it will reduce inflammation and provides relief from irritation. How to use aloe vera for keloids treatment:
Clean the scarred area so that pre-existing bacteria and virus are removed.
Pluck one baby aloe vera leaf and split it open.
Scoop out the gel and directly apply on bumpy scars.
Let it sit on the scars for 2 hours.
Rinse it off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
Apply some moisturizing essential oils(prefer coconut oil).
Use this remedy daily to improve scar appearance.
8. Essential Oil Massage
Imagining life without essential oil is practically not possible.
They are soothing and healing in nature. Massage done with essential
oils are effective treatment of keloids. Ayurvedic cures always uses
essential oils for its therapeutic behavior. To name a few, coconut oil,
olive oil, tea tree oil and oil of oregano are some of the best
essential oils. How to massage:
Clean the area with lukewarm water to make it softer.
Pat dry and apply some essential oil on scars and bumps.
With your fingers gently massage in circular motion for several minutes.
Let the oil sit for 15 minutes and let your skin absorb fatty acids.
Use this method of treatment twice a day for faster healing.
9. Garlic
People often don’t eat garlic due to its unpleasant smell. That smell
is caused by an organosulfur called Allicin. It is used to cure skin
ailments and scars due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal
abilities. Garlic is effective treatment which can help you get rid of
keloids naturally. Women with the problem of yeast infection uses it as home remedy to inhibit candida virus. How to use garlic for keloid treatment:
Crush few garlic clove to make thick paste.
Apply it over scars and rub it in circular motion.
Keep it on bumps for 30 minutes then rinse with water.
You can also use garlic oil instead of paste.
Mix equal amount of garlic oil and tea tree oil.
Rub it on inflamed scars for few minutes.
Use this remedy twice a day to improve the appearance.
10. Sandalwood Paste
We know sandalwood for its skin nourishing abilities. There are
various Ayurvedic facial cream which is used to regenerate dead skin
cells and gives brighter skin. Its healing abilities makes it an
effective way to get rid of keloids naturally. When mixed with rosewater
it works as natural skin toner to remove blemishes. How to make keloid cream with sandalwood:
Take 2 tablespoons of sandalwood powder and add liberal amount of rosewater.
Make sure that the paste is thick.
For added benefits mix 1 teaspoon of coconut oil.
Clean the scarred area with lukewarm water.
Apply the cream on keloids directly and cover it with cotton swab.
Seal this bandage with duct tape and keep it overnight.
In the morning, rinse with lukewarm water.
Use this remedy daily for several weeks to remove scars forever.
11. Lavender Oil
Lavender oil has skin regenerating abilities which is why it can help
you in getting rid of keloids and skin bumps. Skin regenerating agents
can help you reduce the size and appearance of keloids. However lavender
oil is also used to make perfumes. There are home freshener which uses
lavender oil for its aroma. How to use:
You will need virgin lavender oil for best results.
Drop some oil on the top of keloids scar.
Massage gently for few minutes and focus on bumps.
Don’t apply too much of pressure.
After massage you can leave it for 1 hour.
Rinse with water and pat dry.
You can use this remedy 2-3 times a day.
12. Onion Juice
According to one study and experiment, onion can improve scars
appearance and help you get rid of keloids faster. It can treat problems
like elevation, skin redness, pain, hardness on top, and itching(4).
This research compared onion treatment with silicon gel sheet and found
that, onion was effective in reducing color of the scar. However
silicon gel sheet also showed promising results in decreasing the height
of scar. How to use onion for keloids removal:
Take 2 normal size onions and peel the brown layer.
Grate it into fine pieces and squeeze out the juice.
Dip a cotton ball in this onions juice.
Apply it directly on the top of scar.
Keep it there for 1-2 hours then rinse with water.
Pat dry and apply some moisturizer like coconut oil.
Use this remedy two times a day for faster healing.
13. Grapefruit Seed Extract
Fruits with high amount of vitamin C are great at exfoliating skin.
Grapefruit seed is amazing source of vitamin C and antioxidants(5). You might have seen before and after keloids scar images so many times, and that can achieved with grapefruit seed extract. How to use grapefruit seed extract for keloids home treatment:
You will need Q-tip, water and grapefruit seed extract.
Take one tablespoon of water and mix 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract.
Dip Q-tip in this solution and apply it over scar.
Leave it on scars for 30 minutes.
Wash it off with lukewarm water.
Follow this method of treatment twice day for 2 weeks.
14. Jojoba Oil
Fading away keloids scar can be easy as A,B,C if you use jojoba oil
as home treatment. Jojoba oil is an excellent source of fatty acids
which has skin nourishing abilities. People often use jojoba oil for
hair growth and to prevent baldness due to fungal infection. How to use:
Wash affected area with lukewarm water and pat dry.
Apply some jojoba oil directly on scars.
With your fingers, massage in circular motion for 10 minutes.
Keep the oil overnight so that your skin can absorb the fatty acids.
Use this home treatment daily to shrink keloids scar fast.
15. Frankincense
Boswellia serrata is a plant that produces Indian frankincense,
commonly referred as Salai/Salai guggul. It is an excellent Ayurvedic
treatment for keloids. The powerful anti-inflammatory properties of
boswellia serrata can reduce the height of scar and shrinks keloids
faster(6). During old times it was used to add flavors and fragrance in foods and lifestyle. How to treat keloids with boswellia serrate:
You will need frankincense extract, Q-tip and water.
Add 5 drops of its extract in 1 tablespoon of water.
Mix well and dip one Q-tip.
Apply it directly on affected area and leave it for 15 minutes.
Remove it with lukewarm water and apply olive oil.
Do this remedy several times a day for fast removal.
Can you pop a keloid
Popping keloid bump is not at all a good idea. They are not pus
filled blister and squeezing it won’t help. These scars with unusual
tissues growth beneath them should be treated with natural removal
techniques. However, it is advised to consult your doctor before taking
any treatment for keloids.
Popping keloid may lead to severe skin damages. It can unstable the
skin tissue structure. As a result you might increase the size of scars
instead of shrinking them. Can white people get keloid scar? Generally people
with dark or brown skin are vulnerable to get keloids. The scar is
mostly seen in dark color skin people but that does not rule out
possibilities of white skin people from getting keloids scar. The
possibility is very low but yes there are positive reports of finding
among white skin people too. Is a keloid scar contagious? No they are not.
Imbalance of collagen in your body causes these skin bumps not virus.
Hence you are safe around people with keloid.
Hypertrophic scar vs Keloid
Excessive amount of collagen deposited inside skin making a cut shape
is called hypertrophic scar. They are often confused with keloids scar.
However, both are not similar. Keloids are usually scars with overgrown
of skin tissues. They are painless but its appearance can be
Generally keloid scars don’t create life threatening health
condition. They are usually formed in the area around pimples, acne,
cuts and minor burns. People with body piercing are at high risk and it
can appear on belly button, nipples, lower back, chest, ear and nose.
Hypertrophic are raised but smaller than keloid scar. You can also use above remedies to treat hypertrophic scars.
Tips to prevent keloids
Don’t opt for body piercing. Such as ear and nose piercing becomes most common site where keloids are seen.
Exfoliate your skin once in a week to prevent dead skin cells accumulation.
Eat proper diet to balance collagen level.
Increase the intake of healthy fatty acids.
Have fish once in a week to get organic omega-3 fatty acids.
Massage your skin with olive oil.
Avoid piercing your nose, ears and belly button.
Don’t put tattoo on your body.
Now you know the best home remedies for treating keloids scar.
Skin conditions are considered as cosmetics problem and it is not always
necessary to get rid of them. There are people who carry scars and
marks with proud and consider them as beauty marks. However, its your
choice if you want to keep them or try natural remedies to get rid of
keloids for good.
Our body have many areas where our skin folds. These locations are moist and wet which can cause yeast infection. Intertrigo is a skin rash which affects the folds of our skin. Women can suffer from intertrigo under breast which causes itching, redness and burning sensation. No age group or gender is isolated from this condition. Infants and toddlers skin is delicate and vulnerable towards infection. Fortunately there are effective home remedies for intertrigo to help you get rid of its symptoms. What makes these red skin folds rash to appear? There are various factors which can lead to this condition. Some common causes of intertrigo are moisture from sweat, rubbing of skin under folds, accumulation of under arms powder or cosmetics and candida infection. Candidal intertrigo is caused by a yeast infection. This happens typically due to candida germs. Generally they appear under the breast area, around the vaginal opening and in men private parts. Some common sympt...
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1. Apple Cider Vinegar You Will Need 1 glass of water 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar Honey (optional) What You Have To Do Warm the glass of water. Add the apple cider vinegar to it and sip throughout the day. You can also add honey for flavor. How Often You Should Do This Do this once or twice a day. How This Works Apple cider vinegar is known to have antifungal properties. Drinking it daily will help in combating the fungal infection caused by oral thrush ( 4 ). 2. Oil Pulling Using Coconut Oil You Will Need 1 tablespoon coconut oil What You Have To Do Swish coconut oil in your mouth every morning on an empty stomach. Continue doing it for 10 to 15 minutes and then spit it out. How Often You Should Do This Do this once every morning. How This Works Oil pulling with coconut oil can help in treating oral thrush. This is because the antifungal properties of coconut oil can help in the elimination of the yeast fung...
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